Fragment of the
prequel of
Rambo, told by
her that, who
becme his
wife, who knew
him, when
both were
seven year
(Page 23)
... Now, everybody speaks at the same time, except
Rambo who stares fixedly at Robie.
So he raises his arm to ask for silence and asks:
"And what do you thin is going on?"
Robie keep talking: "I think that of the tracer is
a fake, thet the Lieutenant was discovered and
murdered and that his message was true...
And I also think that they are waiting for us".
They take a long minute to assimilate this and
when Rambo says: "you're right", all of them
run to the motorboats. In general, they are 16
men apart from the pilots of the helicopters
that stay there to wait. The fishers and their
women cover them with nets and they the
journey by the sea.
... "How many people in this town work for you?" Ask Juli.
"All of them", and he explains. " We fought together
in war. There is nobody who who hasn't seen a relative dying. Some of them have nobody left alive. After buying
the hotel, I looked for this place for them, and brought
them here. They don't know where their dead relatives
are, so they made a false cementery with the names on
the empty graves, and once a year they pay tribute to
them: the day after the war that killed them".
Robie looked at Rambo with her eyes half closed:
"You definitely didn't waste your time..."
Rambo: "There was no time to waste, don't you think?"
Author Adriana Gutiérrez
Published in 2005
Barnes & Noble
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