Fragment of the
prequel of
Rambo, told by
her that, who
became his
wife, who knew
him, when
both were
seven year
(Page 32)
... The amphibious and submarines are getting to Rambo's
bunker in the mountains. The children get out and sit on
the floor waiting. The children that have turned into
leaders make them stand up and queue; they call them
from one side and take them away. The submarine's
soldiers walk throgh the other corridor towards the
bedrooms. Jack is taken to the infirmary and Juli keeps
waiting for Rambo with the Captaini. The Captain says
"I didn't see Cora getting down".
"You 're right. I didn't see her on board neither", says Juli.
At that moment, a click makes them turn around. The submarine's hatchway has closed and the submarine
noves towards the exit. Juli and the Captain jumps in the
water, hit the hull and call Rambo, but he submerges and
goes away.
"He is going to get her body", says Juli.
"At least he is armed. He has 4 missiles left and the
grapeshot is full", replies the Captain.
(Page 33)
"I'm not worried about him. It's just that I would have
liked to go with him". And as he looks at her intriguingly
she adds, "that submarine was a plane before and can
become a...comanche".

"Do you think he is going to do that?" asks the Cpatain.
"I don't know. He can see well from the air, but as he burnt
everything, and she was thrown in the water, the best is to
use the submarine. Besides, it's the only thing he has ans I don't
think he wants to do without it. It was the first thing he robbed
to the mercenaries so he is very attached to it"
"Yes, I love that man...", say s the Captain.
"Please, don't go back to the beginning!" says Juli.
"But you don't know", says the Captain.
"But you don't know", says the Captain.
They start walking. "For decades, thousands of the army and
They start walking. "For decades, thousands of the army and
marine's arms have disappeared; full loads of explosives, all kinds of land vehicles, ships, I didn't know about a submarine
but it's abvious that it was first a....comanche, then
submarine, and lastly a plane. Personally, I like the apache
best. "Do you understand what is going on here, Juli?"
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