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Thank you for read our story, we never expected reach 30,000 visits and we waith to continue to accompany. Hugs, see you soon. Adriana Gutiérrez, author. |
sábado, 26 de marzo de 2016
viernes, 25 de marzo de 2016
Fragment of the
prequel of
Rambo, told by
her that, who
became his
wife, who knew
him, when
both were
seven year
(Page 44)
... A girl with blonde hair and black eyes was born. She was
called Juliana, as Juli, who didn't know anything because
it was a secret for her, and who was so moved when
listening to it with the girl in her arms that she was
speechless for the first time.
... Four months later, Juli and the Captain's son was born, and
in the next six months, Jack and the Lieutenant became
happy fathers.
The teenagers studied and from time to time they take turns
to travel and go on holiday abroad, with different aspects
and identities, but they were always willing to come back
home, where they were themselves and their children were
safe, where loving relatives, fight mates, friends in the good
or bad times, were waiting for them.
(Page 45)
... However, Rambo and the men continued active. Nobody
lied in honours, but when they went on a mission, they
did it hiding from their wives, who waited for them with
a stone on eacy hand.
Invariably, Rambo said when he was back, "Good luck
boys. God help you and doesn't abandon me..."
... The terrorists didn't ignore the fact that as soon as they
poked their noses, they would be neutralised, something
that had already happened to some of them who
disappeared without leaving trace.
... "OK. Unfortunately, this recruit's avalanche obliges us
to be more alert than ever. The mercenaries will see in
this the rebirth of their business and they will set off.
They won't waste time and we won't neither.
Jack, how about the refuges?"
... Rambo and Robie, who are dancing slower now, give
the last turn. She is on her backand he hogs her from
Their faces are closed to each other.
They are smiling, with their eyes closed, enjoying the
well-gained happiness.
jueves, 24 de marzo de 2016
Fragment of the
prequel of
Rambo, told by
her that, whe
became his
wife, who knew
him, when
both were
seven year
(Page 44)
... The only person who is not there is Rambo. There are
less than ten minutes left, and they, who are connected
whit the other shelters, want to see it ai the same that
the rest of the planet. Robie stands up to go and look
for him when he comes in with an expression of:
"I came for you, but..."
Rambo sits next to Robie in the first row. Bobby and
Shari are next to them. The cinema is small and the rest
of the people are behind them. Rambo doesn't like the
idea that the film is based on his life and he is sure he
isn't going to like it because it must be all wrong.
But at least, he decided to make the effort and let the
other enjoy it. Don't make comments, don't criticise
the actors, nor the action, nor... anything.
The decision lasted till the first image appeared.
He started immediately with the name of the actor, "Is
that a name? Sylvester? It seems to be the name of a
vegetable... OK: I shut up".
The presentation finished "with a horrible music... I'm
And a serious and thin man with a husky voice
appears, that, to top it all, walks straight.
"Oh, my God! What has he got? Something happens
to him! He doesn't even looks like me! My God!"
"Shut up!" all exclaim.
... And in this way, all the film goes by, and they have to
listen to one Rambo and the other alternatively (more
to the real one, of course). When the words "THE END"
appear, he stand up so furious that he doesn't even
realise Robie is talking to him.
"Rambo..." says Robie.
"Yes, Rambo. Definitely, the actor is a bonehead and
doesn't speak at all".
"But you spoke for the two", everybody says.
"Rambo..." repeats Robie.
"Yes honey, I know. I promised..."
"Rambo, I'm already in labour..."
Rambo opens his mouth and gets paralysed.
"Oh God! Oh God! Oh God..!"
So he starts to turn around without doing anything.
"We'll take care of her. Come on Cora", says Juki.
The other two wives that were there, also go with them.
The men, a bit mocking, light up cigarettes and put them
in his open mouth, making comments such as:
"And we can't use the missiles..."
"This is worse than war..."
"I hope Sylvester was here..."
"With his knife, he would be able to..."
Rambo looks at them furiously, throws the sigarettes
and gest close to Robie.
"Are you going to be with me?" she asks.
"Of course, my love. Anyway, if I faint, nobody will
know about it".
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Author Adriana Gutiérrez Published in 2005 www.librosenred.com Amazón.com and Barnes & Noble |
miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2016
Fragment of the
prequel of
Rambo, told by
her that, who
became his
wife, who knew
him when both
were seven year
(Page 43)
... A month later, in the main Command room, Rambo has
met with the staff officers: Jack, Juli, the Captain and the
"We shouldn't be all in the same place. There are two other
bunkers as safe as this one, where the marine is. I think the
"Hole on the Sand" corresponds to the Lieutenant Sisco,
where the aviations is, and his wife. Jack, you should go
where nobody is left, the land team has always been yours
and its boss died. Almost all losses were from there. It must
be reorganised. What do you think?"
"I knew it and it seems all right for me, boss. I don't want
to go but I understand thet and I also...I would like to... get
married. She is near there".
"Oh! Well, I didn't know it, Jack. You should have told
us, man. You can go whenever you want".
"Of course, boss. Thank you. I know I could have
mentioned it but it was never the right moment. You know".
"Well, so you are determined. Captain, you are staying whit
us, aren't you? Someone must take Jack's place?"
"Of course. Sir, thank you", replies the Captain.
... Six months later, Robie, who is on the point of giving
birth, asks Shari if that about the film is true. Juli and
Cora, who are with her, speak at the same time.
"Yes, mum, It's true. I said it, didn't I? They made a film
called Rambo, and belive me, it will not be the one, but
the first", says Shari.
"Johny won't like it", says Juli.
"Let's hope they don't embarrass him or he will burn the
cinemas", adds Cora.
A few days later, the film is premiered and they all meet
to watch it. The copy they got is going to be seen in all
the refuges at the same time, a costume the women
started and the men accepted willingly. This gives them
a sense of coexistence in freedom, as that of visiting with
the population of the other refuges to celebrate important
dates, although this is going to be done three or four times
at year.
So, Jack arrived with his wife Adele, a simple and very
nice German woman; Bruce and his wife Abigail, a black
captain woman that flies a fighter and Juli arrived with
Jim, who are married and "waithing", and of course Bobby
and Shari were there.
Just missing a person...
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Author Adriana Gutiérrez Published in 2005 www.librosenred.com Amazón.com and Barnes & Noble |
martes, 22 de marzo de 2016
Fragment of the
prequel of
Rambo, told by
her that, who
became his
wife, who knew
him, when
both were
seven year
(Page 42)
... Robie looks at Rambo knowing that is a lie, and thanks
him with her eyes.
At last, they get to the mountain. Robie is taken to the
infirmary immediately, but there, they have nothing to
add to Cora's excellent job.
Robie goes to see Jack, still hospitalised with a more
serious wound closed to the heart.
"May I?" asks Robie.
"Lady..." and he tries to sit down.
"Rambo says I must apologise to you...", says Robie.
"Oh, no...", says Jack.
"Instead, I'm sure. Could forgive me, Jack? It was my
fault and you are almost killed. Do you see? I always
have to do something bad. You should abandon me on
an island".
Robie gets closer and kisses him.
"Thanks, Jack, for taking so much care of him".
And touching her belly, she adds, "this baby is lucky, he
will have the best godparents of the world: you and Cora".
And she goes out, leaving him again as if he was going to
say something, as Rambo has left him.
... Another week later, Jack is almost recovered and
protesting all day because he is obliged to be in a
humiliating wheelchair. He, the second man in
charge, who was in more wars than...
"Oh, God! Jack! Can you shut up once and for all?
You are worse than women crying! Did you find out
I asked you?", says Rambo.
"Yes, boss. Everything is all right in Argentina.
Satellite photographs have arrived. It seems there
was a wonderful wedding in the ranch".
"¿Really? And who got married?", asks Rambo.
Jack is holding a brown envelope that gives to Rambo
eithout much enthusiasm.
"¿She? Only four months and she has already got
Jack shrugs his shoulders.
"Well, after all, she is a Robinson's widower. I'm happy.
Of course, what worried me was that she wouldn't recover".
While Rambo speacks, he is taking out photographs.
"You know, she was left in this state. She was so bad that...
No! Oh my God! Did she marry him? My ranch belongs
now to Abelardo?" His voice is more high-pitched as time
goes by, "Oh, my God! But he doesn't even know how to
prepare and serve mate! Oh! My God! Jack!"
But the only thing that can be seen from Jack is the back
part of his wheelchair.
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Author Adriana Gutiérrez Published in 2005 www.librosenred.com Amazón.com and Barnes & Noble |
lunes, 21 de marzo de 2016
Fragment of the
Rambo, told by
her that, who
became his
wife, who knew
him, when
both were
seven year
(Page 42)
... A week later, Rambo is ready to go and look for Robie, who
is prepared to get out throug the small opening of the lake.
He doesn't thing there are enemies around, but as there are
surely free terrorists cells left, Rambo takes the necessary
security, as if they were in war.
He doesn't have his submarine that was made him safer, and
that of the Captain is too big.
He can't use they recently asquired aviation since they don't
have where to land, and he doesn't want to take them out of
the hole on the sand. He has only the fishers left.
They are good since the refuge is under the water.
The supporter group is in the place "cleaning" the area
since the night before, and several guards are prepared.
The fishers come in through the same place a week ago
Cora used to drag Robie.
Rambo looks at the burning forest on the left and feels
again the rage of that day.
Rambo is already entering.
He calls his men, who answer him and follows till he can
turn around. With the motorboats ready to get out, he
enters. His eyes look for Robie, who looks at him from
and starts to cry in silence.
Cora and the Lieutenant leave.
... Rambo goes down the first stairs and hugs Robie
saying, "I thought I was going to die, I wanted to
die without you, God..."
And then, helping her to go up, he adds, "Come
on, honey, let's go home".
In the motorboat, Rambo and the Lieutenant
introduce themselves.
"Lieutenant Bruce Sisco, Sir. Good fight the one you put
up, and good fright for all... of us... damn it! you're a
fucker, Sir".
"It's a pleasure to finelly meet you, Lieutenant, your
actions were decisive in this war. Thanks to aviation,
everything finished quickly, and with fewer losses.
All our people will be grateful to you".
Then, Rambo looks at Cora saying, "And you,
undisciplined woman, are punished for your whole life".
The Lieutenant smiles, and Robie starts to get angry with
Rambo. "From now on, you will have a sacred task: to
take care of Robie, that, by the way, you do it better than
me". Cora is half proud, half ashamed. She tries not to
cey, Robie sighs and when Rambo hugs Cora, he tells her,
"Listen. Your daughter was not with them". Now Cora can't
stand any more and starts to cry. "She must have escaped.
If some day she is able to, she will communicate with you.
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Author Adriana Gutiérrez Published in 2005 www.librosenred.com Amazón.com and Barnes & Noble |
domingo, 20 de marzo de 2016
Fragment of the
prequel of
Rambo, told by
her that, who
became his
wife, who knew
him, who knew
him, when
seven year
(Page 41)
... At twlve o'clock at midday, the press conference stars.
All the world, and this is not a metaphor, is waiting.
When the General comes into the room crammed with
people, an absolute silence falls. Many journalists are
still outside and they continue arriving. Screens and
loudspeakers were installed in the streets. The General
greets and says, "I won't answer any question, but I'll
tell you exactly what happened. Be patient because
I have to go back to history. Well, many years ago, a
clandestine army started to organise in our country.
It was parallel, commandes by mercenaries and
terrorists. They robbed our arms, navies, plane and
submarines. They trained soldiers, who were no more
that children kidnapped in the strets, who were sold a
few months later as cannon fodder".
A rage murmur gegins.
"It was very difficult to identify them. We had them
infiltrated and we didn't know who they were. So, we
also had to sneak in between them, and operation was
organised that lasted 20 years..."
... "Now, I can say..." the General gets moved, so the
President starts to speak.
"it seems I will have to finish. Noblesee oblige, I just
want to thak for for saving the life of my grandson, who
was one of the 960 missing children, to the man who
being a simple soldier, the best strategist I have ever
met, was able to organise and direct this big operation,
and I'd like to ask you all to toast tonight for John
Rambo, wherever he is.
That's all, Sirs, thank you".
In the small refuge, the Lieutenant and Cora shout, "Yes!".
Robie cries in silence, whit emotion and release.
In the rest of the world, in each house and place of work,
wherever there is a guard or a veteran, or a rescued child,
all the people taht had a television, bars, shopping malls,
stadiums, everybody stopped their activities to learn what
has happened, and those that couldn't watch television
because of their work, such as van, taxi or bus drivers, with
passengers included, were waiting for the conference next
to the radio. And when the President finished, after a silence
of astonishment, the people around the whole planet started
to clap. Cheering was heard in several languages for a long
while. In the editorial departaments of newspapers, TV
channels and radio stations, telephones, didn't stop ringing.
The journalists wanted to know who the mysterious soldier
really was, what his story and life was, how he started as a
simple soldier to finish whit this.
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Real image of the day of the 6.000 million people, Octubre 12, 1999. Author Adriana Gutiérrez Published in 2005 www.librosenred.com Amazón.com and Barnes & Noble |
sábado, 19 de marzo de 2016
Fragment of the
prequel of
Rambo, told by
her that, who
became his
wife, who knew
him, when
both were
seven year
(Page 40)
... At eleven 0'clock he is again at the Commands' Room
with Juli, the Captain and the two children. The Captain
says there aren't good or bad news, but a great impact of
the facts in all parts of the world and a great coverage has
been organised for the press conference, Where it's
rumoured, the President will assist.
"What is he going to say?", asks Juli herself.
"As everuthing was a success, they are going to award it
all to themselves", Rambo replies.
(Page 41)
... Bobby approaches his father and asks him in a low voice
and with an air of conspirator, "My mother and you...?"
"¡No! I mean...no".
"Oh, because it seems to me that the Captain and her..."
"¡Bobby! It's not our business... You think?"
"I think so! She took us to bed and then she disappeared.
She think she has to cover us".
Rambo covers his face with his hands and laughing say
to his son quietly: "Mummy hen takes her chickens to bed
and then goes to kill the cock..."
Rambo interrupts suddenly. They had their elbows on his
knees, and see Juli's boots in front of her noses. "Oh, no!"
say unisons. They raise their eyes slowly. She is standing
whit her legs apart, her hands on her waist and she is very
"Which hen house were you talking about?"
The Captain and Shari, who don't understand anything, only
see Rambo and Bobby stand up holding their laugh, and
Juli, who is very angry.
"Chickens!", she says.
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Author Adriana Gutiérrez Published in 2005 www.librosenred.com Amazón.com and Barnes & Noble |
viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016
Fragment of the
prequel of
Rambo, told by
her that, who
became hos
wife, who knew
him, when
both were
seven year
(Page 40)
... Every time Rambo wants to talk, he coughs and he can't
almost see because of his tears. Bobby looks at him
smiling, leaves him and then hogs him again, making
comments such as, "I've always known you are my
father, since I was seven, you know? I was sure you were
going to take us out of there. What a way of getting into
a place, man! You should have seen them, running from
one side to the other and calling you desperately to tell
you that I was alive and the same Shari... She was afraid
all the time. And when they said they had killed uncle
Robbie, she got crazy and attacked one of them. I had to
take hold of her and... lintes, what happens, dad? Are you
all right?""
Rambo looks at him sceptical, and barely says, "Yeah!"
"Well," says Bobby, "let's est. I'm starving".
And giving him a pat on his shoulder that makes him
stagger, goes away happily, calling him to tell hem
"Oh, my God! I've created a monster without having been
there...," exclaims Rambo.
Rambo heads for the infirmary, comes in smiling, crosses
his arms and asks, "Have you seen everything?"
"Yes, boss, it was spectacular. I would have loved to be in
the submarine! Firdtly, to cut the tentacles to that octopus
and then, give him the final hit on the head. That of the
guard was wonderful, and also the news of the children
appearing everywhere..."
"Jack... Jack! Can you calm down and lintes to my for a
minute? I want to thank you and apologise to you", and seeing that Jack is going to talk, he adds, "No, wait, you
joined me for a cause that was only mine. You left everything and were loyal to me even when you were
against me, it was only for my son, and it finished being
for everybody's sons. Now I can breath at last, I want to
thank you for not having complained, nor asked.
And related to Robie..."
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Author Adriana Gutiérrez Published in 2005 www.librosenred.com Amazón.com and Barnes & Noble |
jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016
Fragment of the
prequel of
Rambo, told by
her that, who
became his
wife, who knew
when both
seven year
(Page 39)
... "Goodbye, friend, I'll never forget you", says Rambo.
And turning around over the smouldering remains, he
goes to his mountain at high speed, telling the guards
that the mission has finished, that as soon he gets to
his own fort, theyshould go back to the normal security
and take care of the small refuge.
At that moment, Rambo turns around to fix his eyes of
his con for the first time.
... At the High Command, orders have already been given
to arrest the men that were in the water and who had
climbed to land trying to escape. But they are all arrested
The President looks at the General and says, "I'll see if I
can find my grandson", and picks up the phone.
"Sir, the missing children are appearing everywhere, in
hospitals, fire stations, police stations; they tell incredibles
stories..." says a Lieutenant.
"Yes, yes... I'll organise a press conference", the General
replies, and he tells the President "Go back to your house and wait for your grandson. Whatever his side has been, he
is safe now. Only four children died, decapited by these
bastards, and he is not within them".
"Thank you, but I'm not going home. I don't want to ignore
anything any more. I'll phone the ministers of those three
countries to explain them personally what has happened".
And as the General looked ar him sceptical, he added:
"You make the conference; I'll tell the truth".
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Author Adriana Gutiérrez Published in 2005 www.librosenred.com Amazón.com and Barnes & Noble |
miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2016
Fragment of the
prequel of
Rambo, told by
her that, who
became his
wife, who knew
him, when
both were
seven year
(Page 39)
... "¡Come on, take this and take hold of us!"
In a moment, they are swimming towards the submarine
with Bobby and Shari being carried with straps.
They arrive and get in.
"Make everyone come here. We'll go by air", says Rambo.
Afterwards, they leave, in intervals of 10 seconds. There
are four missiles left, so the shelter makes an implosion.
The men in the water submerge to protect themselves.
The air force helps without being asked to, bombing the
remains that are now in fire.
"Withdraw! Go to the hole in the sand... Did I say that?
I didn't say that!" Rambo asks himself.
In the mountain, a speechless Juli looks at the
destruction without knowing what happened with
her son. The Captain is serious and doesn't want
to look at her.
In the small refuge, Robie cries holding Cora. The
Lieutenant keeps silent.
Suddenly, two words appear on the screens, "Got them".
They are only there for a tenth of a second, but it was
enough for the eyes that didn't get away from them.
"Ready?", asks Rambo.
"As we have never been, boss", reply the men.
Author Adriana Gutiérrez
Published in 2005
Barnes & Noble
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